ونيسك في النحو

by Tatbiqat Ta3limyah



Wanisak application in grammar... good and nice for students in the middle and high school levelsBy Mr. Abdul Wanis Salim Ali Abdullah Al-Hindawi01145966041The Wanisk Grammar application includes grammar competitions for all middle and high school classes, by Professor Abdel Wanis Salim Ali Abdullah Al-Hindawi, who holds a bachelor’s degree in Dar Al-Ulum, and is a teacher in the Beheira Governorate in the Arab Republic of Egypt.The competitions cover all grades of the middle and secondary levels (first grade - second grade - third grade), and they are extremely exciting, fun and useful competitions.At the beginning of each competition, the contestant must identify his class and class.He must also choose between a competition consisting of 10 questions and a competition consisting of 20 questions.All questions are of the highest degree of puzzlement and reasoning.